Work has been kinda slow the past couple of days, giving me more time to draw. Here are two more to add. I am pretty happy with both, but, as usual, the faces are giving me fits. Maybe I need to draw more real people at angles to give me a better idea!
Hi Tom-- Hey, that girl looks like my daughter! I love the fiddler crab in your previous post, and also the clam's expression. Nice work!
Great work! I love the expression of the boy looking up.
They are cute Tom. I specially like the basketball boy. Love his pose and how he is whistling too.. the shoes are too cute with the shoe laces untied. Very nice touch and detail Tom! :o)
drawing a face that is tilted up (like your b-ball player) is extraordinarily difficult and i think you pulled it off really well!
Drawing people and faces is hard, but practice does wonders. Your characters have great body poses, I love how relaxed the girl is, how natural she sits on the couch. And the boy looking up, he's quite good as well.
Like you it's something I feel I need to practice more and more to get more confident. You're doing a great job!
Nice work Tom. I really like the exagerated perspective in the basketball one. Practice is the only way to hone those drawing skills. Your on the right track.
Thanks, everyone for the great comments and for taking the time to stop by!
I too have difficult time to draw people, the posture is a huge challenge for me. Hmm,, you inspire me to go out and have a cup of tea and start practice on drawing people.. Thanks! Pal.
Glad to give you the push, Mayy!
Hey Tom, these look great. I thik faces can be hard to draw....it is hard to find your own style that you are happy with. You might want to fill an entire page with faces for your next 15 minutes! It's kinda fun.
Hi Tom...wonderful work on these illustrations...I love the girl and her relaxed demeanor...I often times spend a whole session just drawing faces...then I try to make the same character with different expressions...it is pretty difficult but the practice makes it easier...
Thanks, Kate and Diana. just drawing faces is a good idea!!
Nice sketches! Great point of view on the basketball sketch. Faces are hard, I agree. That's why I draw so many animals! :o)
Ha!, Thanks, Deb! Yeah, I have considered that... just drawing animals. We'll see how I feel at the end of these 21 days!
Hi Tom! Shoot. . . I was getting ready to start a figure reading in a chair, but you beat me to it! Great job, keep up the good work!
Great poses! I specially love the boy, his expression looking at the far away target!
Faces... quite difficult to find our own style with them. I think they are one of the most important issues we have to solve. As everyone says practice, practice and more practice, I'm also still doing it too :)
I like the relaxed poses of these.
Hey Tom, Diana has a great idea there, practicing just faces. I do that a lot, fill a page with just faces, or hands, feet. It's a great way to work out something that's giving you trouble, to focus on it til you get it right.
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