Friday, December 12, 2014

Boy pulling Christmas tree - Final

After looking at this, I was not digging the outline, and was ready to give up on doing it digitally. However, something inside me said to give it one more go, and below is the final result, which I am extremely happy with. Went sans outline, using shading to give it dimension, which I like a lot better. I also decided to turn his frown upside down. That came from a story idea, but as a stand alone illustration, it is not obvious why he is sad while pulling a Christmas tree.

Anyway, if you are in the area, leave me a note and let me know what you think!


Anonymous said...

Tom, I prefer his upside-down frown, his expression is now one of delight. And I think you have it ... the tree looks great, the boy looks happy, it's a good painting.

Sermons4Kids said...

When I was in 6th grade, my mom and dad decided we would not put up a Christmas tree since we were going to my grandmother's for Christmas. In those days, every classroom had a Christmas tree. On the day we let out for the holidays, my teacher asked if anyone did not have a Christmas tree. My hand shot up!! She let me have the tree. I was full of joy as I dragged the tree home. This drawing perfectly captures that memory from my childhood! Can I use it in a post on my blog?